Ways to Avoid Eye Strain

Woman's eye

Want to avoid eye strain? Whenever you sit down to look at a screen, remember to follow these ergonomic eye tips.

  • Sit farther away from your computer screen. A good rule is to be at least25 inches, or roughly an arm’s length, away. While you’re at it, move the screen so you have to look slightly downward at the screen.
  • Consider using a matte screen filter to reduce your screen’s glare.
  • Try your best to remember to follow the 20-20-20 rule. Set a timer to remind you to look away every 20 minutes at an object that is about 20 feet away for a full 20 seconds.
  • Buy some artificial tears at your local drugstore to use when your eyes feel dry. A humidifier can also help.
  • Blink often to help replenish your eye’s own tears.
  • Dim your screen if it’s much brighter than the rest of the light in the area. You could also adjust the room lighting so the contrast is lessened.
  • Keep your screens clean. Dirty screens with fingerprints and other debris can strain your eyes even more.

If you wear contact lenses, you may experience worsened symptoms of dryness and irritation. Try giving your eyes a break from time to time by wearing glasses.

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