Kelly has been in the senior health industry for over 20 years.She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston with a B.S. in Psychology and a concentration in Gerontology Rehabilitation/Management.Kelly is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and Certified Dementia Practitioner.She is currently the Corporate Manager of Memory Care and Resident Engagement at LCB Senior Living. She is certified as a Master Trainer for the Rhode Island Alzheimer’s Association Train The Trainer Memory Care 12 hour state recognized training program for caregivers.Kelly was the keynote speaker at the 2016 Alzheimer’s Caregiver Conference.Kelly holds a certificate as an Alzheimer’s support group facilitator and is an Alzheimer’s speaker’s bureau lecturer.She is also a BC-DEd Board Certified Dementia Educator for NIDE National Institute for Dementia Education.While with Senior Lifestyle she has received the 2013 National ALFA Best of the Best Award for developing the “Walk With Me Program — a journey that moves us all” in the category of Supporting Families of Residents During Transitional Times.Kelly continues to provide countrywide training and support in memory care for organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association, Memory Care Forum, and other organizations supporting individuals challenged with memory loss and their caregivers. Topics include, but are not limited to, Assisting Families with Caregiver Stress, Hiring Training and Retaining Great Care Teams, Creating a Successful Memory Care Environment, Intimacy Sexuality and Memory Care.